individual therapy

When a person is struggling to experience joy in life, sometimes he or she may need to see a therapist. Emotional issues related to abuse, trauma, relationship problems, losses, ADHD, OCD and scrupulosity, etc., keep us from experiencing the fullness of the Christian life. Therapy aims to help individuals identify symptoms, understand, cope and make changes to improve a sense of well-being and a deeper capacity for flourishing. Additionally, clients will gain understanding of the role of the emotional life according to Thomistic psychology as explained by Conrad Baars' Affirmation Therapy. 

Treating clients 11 years old and up.

Family therapy

Family therapy entails working with the family as a whole with the goal of facilitating communication, connection and family problem-solving. Although family therapy may not always cause a problem to be completely resolved, it can give family members a better sense of how to work together and feel more secure and supported in their relationships with each another.

marriage therapy

A healthy marriage is the basis of a healthy family and a healthy society. In a world full of misunderstandings of what it means to love and be loved, the vocation of marriage often suffers. The teachings of Saint John Paul II provide a spiritual and philosophical framework for a marriage therapy that helps couples re-discover the complimentarity of masculinity and femininity as intended by God. Marriage therapy also helps a couple identify the strengths of their relationship in addition to helping the couple develop new strengths. This Theology of the Body centered therapy involves helping couples heal from relationship injuries in order to restore and improve emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical intimacy. 

pre-marital evaluations

Pre-marital evaluations help couples learn communication skills, identify strengths and weaknesses, in addition to helping the individuals align their missions and discern their readiness to marry. The preparation is complimented by each counselor’s certification as a FOCCUS facilitator and Prepare and Enrich facilitator. Each counselor has a great love and knowledge of Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body.  



Any of our presentation topics can be tailored to a half day or a day long event that focuses on education and equipping non-mental health professionals in various settings appropriately deal with mental health needs and emotional issues. We have presented at seminaries, convents, local and national conferences and diocesan events.


Our team of experts with a combined 40 years of clinical and teaching experience offer presentations in general individual mental and emotional health education, marriage issues, marital safeguards, pre-marital preparation, vocational preparation, family life and parenting. The presentations integrate Catholic teaching and evidence-based mental health treatment modalities, utilizing an understanding of the human person based on Thomistic anthropology.